Another summer brought another summer associate class at work... which brought another excuse for summer associate karaoke at Sang Kee Noodle House! It was just as much fun as last year, and the food was just as delicious.
[note my favorite, peking duck]
[boy band]
[end of the road]
[the mcgraw family]
The firm also sends the summer class to Jim Thorpe for a rafting trip each year. Although I've not been in a couple of summers, I was a summer associate mentor this year (and that means obligated to attend). The weather could have been better (the water was freezing and it was a nippy 65 degrees out and raining) but we still had a good time.
This summer B and I finally made it to one of the Night Markets sponsored by the Philadelphia Food Trust. Food trucks come from far and wide so the masses can sample tasty tidbits, and there are beverage vendors as well.
It is a great, and affordable, time - I would highly recommend checking it out!
The night after the Night Market, B and I left for a trip to my family's lakehouse in Southern Virginia for Fourth of July. We had a great time roadtripping together despite driving through what looked like the final scene in Twister, and had an even better time with the family boating, jet skiing, cooking out, and bowling.
[no road trip is complete without Doritos Jacked]
[paddle boat]
When we got back I put myself on a veggie only diet to gear up for my brother-in-law's wedding. In addition to my favorite kale chips, I found some delicious treats at wholefoods including roasted vegetable gazpacho and "detox salad".
One thing I had that was NOT so delicious was Columbia Gorge Organic Carrot Leafy Green Juice.
It tastes like you are drinking a pureed carrot stem. On the up side, at week's end I was feeling great and was ready to celebrate AJB and J5.
[my wedding party gift from the bride and groom. love it!]
The rehearsal dinner was at my in-laws shore house. They did a beautiful job setting up, and everyone had a blast.
[B and me]
[the bride and groom]
[clockwise from left: mini lobster roll, cole slaw, corn fritter, tomato salad, crab cake, mini pulled pork sandwich]
[group hug]
On Saturday we woke to beautiful weather, and the girls prepped for the big day.
[the bride]
[all gussied up]Because the couple wanted to miss as little of the cocktail hour as possible, they took a good number of photos in advance. Before photos, they did a dramatic reveal (that all of the girls got to watch from the upstairs balcony of the hotel).
Once things got rolling I was having way too much fun to take any photos, save one adorable first dance shot.
Congrats to my bebies!!
The following weekend all of our pals got together for a Saturday Phillies game. Good food, good friends, and good times.
I spent the final weekend of July in NYC for my friend MMA's bachelorette party. We started out with cocktails at our favorite lesbian bar, the Cubbyhole.
Then we moved on to the Frying Pan for dinner and more drinks.
[outside of the Frying Pan]
[the bride and her prized possessions, bling and pitchers]
For our final stop of the night we headed to Second on Second, a cool karaoke spot near our hotel.
[only shot I could steal was of us in the cab on the way there]
Saturday night was romper themed, so we spent some time trying to find HBK the perfect romp. Unfortunately, no luck.
To drown our romperless sorrows, we got some cupcakes at Baked by Melissa.
[featured: chocolate peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, mint chocolate chip]
These bite-sized gems are to die for - go there immediately, but beware you won't be able to stop at just three!
Saturday night we threw a little "shower" in the hotel, and then went to dinner at Supper for before hitting the town.
Dinner at Supper was fantastic, and we had an amazing night. Can't wait for the wedding!!