Sunday, March 20, 2011

"There aren't enough days in the weekend." - Rod Schmidt

Most Sundays around our house are spent recovering from Friday and Saturday nights, preparing for the week ahead, and generally mourning the end of yet another too-quick weekend.  In order to ease the transition from weekend to work week, we often treat ourselves to some variety of wonderfully unhealthy take-out in front of the tv.

This Sunday B got pizza fries and buffalo wings from Old City Pizza:

I didn't try the wings, but, I have to say that those pizza fries are great junk food. 

I opted for a Campo's cheesesteak (I take mine with mayo and provolone... don't knock it until you try it) and a Herr's blue bag:

It was greasy and delicious as always.

On the tube tonight was Top Chef All Stars.  Of the contestants left we're rooting for Mike Isabella (although I could have gone without seeing him shirtless tonight).

(B gave me attitude when I registered for those tv trays, calling them "redneck."  Needless to say, now he's a convert)

Now that we're sufficiently stuffed, and our arteries sufficiently clogged, we're ready to face another Monday.


  1. I could very well be a redneck too because I LOVE my tv trays (although I try to hide them when company comes over, lol)

  2. I'm feeling a little hungover from that food today, but MAN that was good...

  3. Love your blog! I had no idea it existed until I was looked at my site traffic. Note to self: Only read your blog when I've just eaten!
